Sunday, December 30, 2007

Some things just arent right.

I found this Q and A with Bruce Pandolfini over at Ive heard of this kind of game before but have never been in an actual circumstance where people are playing it. I knew a guy once who talked about three person chess and that weirded me out a little bit. This "bug house" chess thing weirds me out too as does that kreepy Kermit picture and our misconceptions as to where our energy comes from. Enjoy:

"Question What is Bug House chess? Folks in this area enter Bug House chess tournaments and I have never heard of it until arriving in this city. Ted McNair (USA)

Answer It’s a variant of chess (though many teachers consider it a disease, the way many juveniles love to play it instead of standard chess) where you play with two boards and sets of pieces and have a partner. If you get white, your partner gets black. If you have black, your partner must take white. You play essentially with the same rules, the primary difference being that everything you capture is given to your partner (or teammate), who is then allowed to put these captured “other board” pieces and pawns on his or her own board, with each placement counting as a separate move. There are other differences, too, such as most Bughouse players allow the king to be taken, and such a capture ends the game. Naturally, you can also win by checkmate or time forfeiture. If you win, you win on both boards; that is, your team wins.

In the past it’s also gone by other names, such as “insanity chess” or “tandem put back chess,” and I think it’s had a few other names as well. I’m attracted to the claim that it was first popularized at the Marshall Chess Club in the 1960s by the Diplomacy playing group of adolescents and young players then inhabiting 23 West Tenth Street, though that’s never been confirmed, even though I was very much a party of that clan. I simply viewed it as the other experiment we tried when we got tired of Kriegspiel.

Plus for all you hippies, here is the EPAs website that shows how you get your electricity by region and compares it to the national average. Quite interesting indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

bug house is just 4 person crazyhouse. i like crazyhouse. i think i might also kinda like that kermit movie, so there is that...