Monday, December 17, 2007


I snagged this from Glenn Reynolds over at . A thought provoking snippet for fellow bloggers.

ADVICE TO NEW BLOGGERS from Jorn Barger, who coined the term "weblog." I like this one: "If you have more original posts than links, you probably need to learn some humility." But then, I would, wouldn't I? Plus this: "Being truly yourself is always hipper than suppressing a link just because it's not trendy enough. Your readers need to get to know you."


65%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

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chessboozer said...

I like your blog a lot as it is humorous and does not appear to take chess too seriously. Will post a link if that is ok.

Pawn Shaman said...

That is awesome. I really appreciate it and will post a link to your blog too. but not now because Im kind of tipsy and will do some writing instead. It looks like you have a good sense of humor aswell and you have written some heartfelt words. I dont put links on the sidebar unless I check them regularly so dont die or quit blogging.