Saturday, November 17, 2007

The Impossible Question

Their is a book by Krishnamurti entitled The Impossible Question. Krishnamurti was chosen at birth by Theosophists to be the coming of a great religious leader. At age thirty four he dissolved the organization that was created for him, released his followers and returned all donations back to his contributors. He then traveled the world seeking to obtain peace and often left it in the wake of his wisdom. He was by all means a brilliant man but would never accept such a title.

This particular book takes a great deal of time to understand and Ive only read portions of it. Id like to share a passage from it that takes some thought and release from the usual mental constraints. Then I will pose a question.

"Sirs, look, we never put the impossible question - we are always putting the question of what is possible. If you put an impossible question, your mind then has to find an answer in terms of the impossible - not what is possible. All the great scientific discoveries are based on this, the impossible."

How can you checkmate your opponent with only one move?

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