Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Kasparov continues to push pawns politically

GARRY KASPAROV writes editorials for the Wall Street Journal on occasion. He's openly against Putin and has been arrested at peaceful protests for reasons people in democratic countries don't get arrested for. I found this recent article quite candid and amusing. Be warned Kasparov's ideas on international politics are very aggressive. If you are an anti-war hippie that gets easily fired up I advice you to read no further.

"But if you really wish to understand the Putin regime in depth, I can recommend some reading. No Karl Marx or Adam Smith. Nothing by Montesquieu or Machiavelli, although the author you are looking for is of Italian descent. But skip Mussolini's "The Doctrine of Fascism," for now, and the entire political science section. Instead, go directly to the fiction department and take home everything you can find by Mario Puzo. If you are in a real hurry to become an expert on the Russian government, you may prefer the DVD section, where you can find Mr. Puzo's works on film. "The Godfather" trilogy is a good place to start, but do not leave out "The Last Don," "Omerta" and "The Sicilian.""
If Putin's Russia is what Kasparov says it is then personally I think he is in over his head. Assassinations don't take place over the chess board, but they do in dark alleys and bath houses.
Read the rest:

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