A friend of mine relayed a story to me recently. He played strip chess with a girl and then they did it. I don't know the intimate details because I wasn't their, thankfully. But if I knew them I would share them with you. The epitome of nerdiness and grand symbol of status were combined and that deserves its own post. You know who you are.... Ahole.
This post has been receiving an enormous amount of traffic lately, so Ive taken the initiative and updated it for those more interested in the aforementioned topic. Pervs...
Wikipedia on Strip Chess:
Strip chess is a variant of chess in which an article of clothing is removed for each piece taken by the opponent, often excluding pawns.
Strip chess introduces a secondary goal which can diverge from the game's normal goal and substantially alter the way the game is pursued. While in some games (such as poker), the pursuit of the normal win condition also furthers the disrobing of one's opponent, in strip chess this is not always the case. In chess, the normal win condition is to checkmate the opponent, not to capture pieces. Capturing pieces is often useful, but if at a given time, a player is to choose between checkmating his opponent and capturing a piece, he would traditionally be expected to checkmate. However, in strip chess, the player may prefer to capture a piece to force their opponent to remove additional garments.
In chess, there is no actual relation between strategic success and the number of individual garments lost, because in chess, there is no numeric way to measure which person has the upper hand (unless you are counting the value of each piece); the number garments lost, and therefore the number of pieces captured, is only an approximate measure of success (as opposed to strip poker, where an inverse relationship exists between success in the game and the number of garments lost).
Classic Rules of Strip Chess:
If you want to keep things simple, then stick with the classic rules of strip chess. Both players wear no more than 10 articles of clothing (2 socks, 2 shoes, underwear, pants, undershirt or bra, belt, and 2 accessories are common). Each time a Knight, Bishop, or Rook is captured, then whoever’s piece was taken removes one article of clothing. However, if one of those above pieces is captured by a pawn, then two pieces of clothing come off. If the queen is captured, two pieces comes off. A player can get one article of clothing back if his or her King or Queen takes a piece. Checkmate means the loser must take off three pieces of clothing.
For a longer version of the game, where the loser isn’t determined by checkmate, is when a player is simply checked, that player removes one piece of clothing. The loser is the one who gets completely nude.
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