Sunday, July 16, 2006

Danish Gambit

This is my latest adventure in openings for white. I first found it in The Complete Chess Player by Fred Reinfeld. The book gives it little more than an introduction but sometimes thats all you need. Although I am usually not an aggressive player this opening quenches the thirst for destruction in the opening moves. It also strikes terror in your opponent when both bishops are staring down the black king.

1. e4, e5

2. d4, e5xd4

3. c3, d4xc3 (Sometimes black decides not to take the c3 pawn and instead fights for d4 With 3... c5. This is a unique sitiuation and can throw whites development off course. White should destroy the pawn immediately even though it is an uncomfortable position with an early queen move and a relatively exposed queen. Waiting for black to complete the gambit has been disasterous in every game for me so far!)

4. Bc4, c3xb2 (If black decides not to take the b2 pawn the traditional variation is Nxc3. With and appearant aggression and a solid development. Not as fun as c3xb2 though.)

5. Bc1xb2 (Yes! black now realizes that pushing the d pawn to d5 is useless and his dark square bishop is forced to protect the kingside g pawn. Witness and saver the onsetting fear in your opponent. White has boldly sacrificed two pawns for development. Position V. Material. Let the game commence.)


Anonymous said...

Cool site dude! I particularly enjoyed your articulation of black's anguish building as the gambit unfolds. Would love to see a blog with more openings as they are my biggest weakpoint...perhaps something with a board for those of us who aren't quite fluent in algebraic notation. The pitfalls of each opening and a good defense against them would also be helpful, if you are so inclined as I realize this would be an ambitious task. May your queen carry a knife and your knights a fork.


Pawn Shaman said...

Thanks for the comment. I will find a way to post a board for each opening and in time, will post the pitfalls of each as others use them against me.