Sunday, September 09, 2007

Meritable Links

You may have noticed I added a couple of links recently. I don't like to add links frivolously, so take note both of these are very deserving. I add links only after consideration and regular viewing. Surely this leaves out a lot of good chess links but since deliberate action and consistency are recent themes in my life it seems appropriate to apply them here. Without further ado I present to you: AKA Transformation
To call him a guru would be insulting. Where as I have been known to cast a spell over a rook from time to time, With thought alone he opens trans-dimensional warp riffs over the board. It is rumored that once in a dark coffee house game, he opened a mental wormhole and slayed the black king without ever giving him check.
Transformation brings a new perspective to the chess board and to chess blogs. His ideas can be difficult to digest when he writes in a strange business-philosophical-meditation amalgamation. However, with a little time it becomes clear that his posts are quite genuine and insightful. AKA Military History Podcast
As someone who works in a gym and an occupational clinic Ive come to be a huge fan of crosstraining for prevention, improvement and enjoyment. This military history podcast is truly interesting and I highly recommend giving it a chance. Military history is fascinating in its own right, but I think its also a good tool to introduce new ideas into your chess game. Be warned that the podcaster can be a bit dry. His content more than makes up for it which you will soon hear.

1 comment:

transformation said...

i was reviewing links when i found this nice mention by you. thank you.

i never would have chosen the life that i have lived, we all struggle, but i have had more than my fair share, to where thats all like life seems to be, (yet having lived it, accept its leasons, as only one can to survive mentally rather than disIntegrate or fracture), but along the way

we make some good friends, or share a draugh of heary dram, in this case, hyperspace dram, but no less sweet.

thank you, mr pawn shaman.

warmest, dk