Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Amateur debauchery that should be avoided

A comment from Sun Tzu

"I've been playing a great deal of chess on line recently and with the exception of a few months of playing on-line last year, this has been my first experience of the sort. I've played against all sorts of players from all over the world and most of them are respectful, intelligent individuals with whom I've enjoyed not just a game of chess, but a friendly conversation as well. Unfortunately, it is with ever increasing frequency that I seem to be encountering the "other" type of player. The player who trash-talks, purposely times-out to make you wait, or just leaves the room when they lose. They most often play speed chess and sometimes even run computer programs to win. It is to them this comment is directed. Chess is not about ego. Chess is a about strategy, honor, and continually learning from your mistakes. It is about complex battle tactics employed even today in modern warfare. It has been called the game of generals or the game of kings and played throughout history by the aristocracy and the lay alike. It is a game that will show your true colors and for those who cannot grasp this concept might I suggest another game...Perhaps checkers?!"-Sun Tzu

Other things to avoid...

Early Queen moves

Too much aggression

Pointless trading especially early on

Sacrificing pieces without a definite plan

Keeping a weak back rank

Not utilizing your time and moving impatiently without thinking

Stop it...Seriously

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been playing a great deal of chess on line recently and with the exception of a few months of playing on-line last year, this has been my first experience of the sort. I've played against all sorts of players from all over the world and most of them are respectful, intelligent individuals with whom I've enjoyed not just a game of chess, but a friendly conversation as well. Unfortunately, it is with ever increasing frequency that I seem to be encountering the "other" type of player. The player who trash-talks, purposely times-out to make you wait, or just leaves the room when they lose. They most often play speed chess and sometimes even run computer programs to win. It is to them this comment is directed. Chess is not about ego. Chess is a about strategy, honor, and continually learning from your mistakes. It is about complex battle tactics employed even today in modern warfare. It has been called the game of generals or the game of kings and played throughout history by the aristocracy and the lay alike. It is a game that will show your true colors and for those who cannot grasp this concept might I suggest another game...perhaps checkers?!

-Sun Tzu